Announcing our new research on Responsible Data implementation at Oxfam

Paola Verhaert

In 2015, Oxfam was the first international NGO to develop a Responsible Data policy. Two years on, we looked into how Oxfam’s Responsible Data policy is being translated into practice.

Responsible Data Implementation at Oxfam

Read the report here

Since adopting the Responsible Data policy, Oxfam has been working towards its implementation by developing practical resources and piloting the policy in six countries, each chosen intentionally as they have different issue focus areas and different contexts.

Meanwhile, the Responsible Data community has continued to grow, and we’ve been thrilled to see responsible data policies taking root in an increasing number of organisations like USAID, the Catholic Relief Services and Africa’s Voices.

We wanted to help Oxfam understand how the concept of responsible data is perceived within the confederation, and how the Responsible Data policy is being implemented in practice – is it changing project-level implementation on a practical level, or rather on an ideological level of raising awareness around these issue?

To get an understanding of this, we carried out interviews with Oxfam staff and reviewed of responsible data resources created by Oxfam, many of which have been put online and made available to others to use.

Read the report here

Although the recommendations in the report are specific to Oxfam’s context, we hope that other organisations will also be able to take away ideas, and find inspiration in Oxfam’s commitment to responsible data. Get in touch to talk more about the research, or discuss our work on responsible data.

Email us at, or join the conversation on our Responsible Data mailing list.