Light-touch support for Latin American elections work

Nicole Anand

Are you working on issues of transparency and accountability or human rights related to elections in Latin America? Are you thinking about how responsible use of data and technology can intersect with your work around elections? If so, we would love to work with you through our Light Touch Support Programme (LiTS). 

Our LiTS programme aims to support those of you who are using data and technology or considering it to make your work more effective, but are unsure about how to do so. We conduct research and provide concise, targeted advice.

We know that many of you have elections coming up – or have recently had elections – and you are making plans around possible and actual outcomes. You might be developing related ideas, looking for funding to implement them, designing projects, and/or building organisational processes that enable your work. For example, you may be:

  • Investigating how private sector companies are influencing candidates’ campaigns, and want to consider technology tools in your data collection and analysis process
  • Working with marginalised communities to elevate their voices in the voting process, and want to know how to engage responsibly with their data
  • Co-creating an accountability mechanism to guide the transition from one administration to the next, and need a sounding board for your project idea

If you are working on projects like these in Latin America, or if they spark questions and ideas, schedule a call with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Image by Bryan Minear via Unsplash.